Today I am going to talk about proper skin care. Taking care of your skin when you are young will help you a lot when you get older!!! A lot of people don't exfoliate as much as they should. You should be exfoliating 2-3 times a week, depending on your skin and what type of exfoliant you are using.
Benefits of Exfoliating:
One benifit of exfoliating your skin is the fact that when the layer of dead skin cells is removed, lotions and other products will be better absorbed into the healthy skin underneath. This does not happen as easily when the surface is blocked by dead or dry skin.
Another benefit you can get from exfoliating is fresh-looking skin. Although there are conflicting opinions as to whether or not exfoliating techniques help ease fine lines, it most certainly does give skin a brighter look. It can make it feel softer as well. Exfloiating gets rid of the dead skin cells on your face and makes your body send the new ones up, making your skin look brighter, younger and more youthful. Another thing people tend to forget is sun screen. 90% of wrinkles are caused by the sun’s UV rays and damage from sun is the number one cause of premature aging in women and men. Did you know that even at low-level exposures, UV light breaks down collagen, which causes wrinkles?
Benefits of Sun Screen:
Sunscreen lotions are extremely safe and effective. When worn daily, sunscreens help to minimize the harmful effects of UV rays on DNA. They also help shield important proteins like collagen, elastin, and keratin, which keep skin smooth and firm. Some daily moisturizers now include zinc oxide or titanium dioxide as these ingredients are well known to help stop or even reverse some signs of aging.
Sunscreen lotions may be quite effective in preventing all kinds of skin cancers, including squamous cell skin cancers and its precursors, as well as melanoma, the most deadly form of skin cancer.
Basic Skin Care Routine:
Ok, so I get asked a lot about what the best skin care routine is. It can be a simple as, just washing your face morning and night, toning and put on your face lotion.
Washing your face is soo IMPORTANT! It gets all the dirt, debris , toxens, and smug off your skin. Just think about the person right next to you, do you love them, or even KNOW THEM?!? You are breathing in their dead skin cells!!!
So when you wash, make sure you get every inch of your face, ears(behind your ears too) under your noise, your neck everything. Wash for 60 seconds, using some sort or pre cleanse. (I really like dermalogica's Pre cleanse) After your done with your pre-cleanse use your regular face wash and wash again for 60 seconds.
If you want more you can:
Steam your face. there are a few ways to do that. you can boil small towles in hot water and just let it sit on your face for 5 minuets OR you can get a pot of boiling water and put a towel over your face and pot for 5 minuets. They are both fin
(honestly you should already be doing this) (depending on what type you use, there are a few cleansers that also exfoliate, or you can used Demalogica's Daily Micorfoliant)
at least once a month. depending on your skin type and condition finding the correct one is very important!
Use a booster or serum:
Serums and booster have specific purpose, like extra hydrating or firming so on and so on...
If you want to save some time but get both benefits you can mix the serum or booster in with your masque.
After you take off your masque make sure to tone again!
Put on your favorite eye cream, lip protectant and put you SPF 30 Moisturizer.
You should try to do an at home facial at at least once a month.
Remember to take contacts out at night, and put them in after you have applied all your make up . Use an eye cream at night! A good one as I've said before is Vaseline. Not only is this a good product for your eyes and lashes, but you can also use it to help shape your brows! And its a wonderful face cream for night! And you all thought Vaseline was just for your lips!!!!
Lets talk to the men out there!
Guys, proper skin care is not just for the ladies. Guys you need to have a good skin care line also. You need to wash and Moisturizer twice a day. exfoliating is also important as to not get ingrown hair when you shave. Dermalogica has a wonderful mens line. (